Monday, January 31, 2022

The King is to read the Book of the Law all his life

Monday 31Jan2022

In my Old Testament reading today, my attention was drawn to a passage in Deuteronomy chapter 17 where Moses commanded that any king whom the children of Israel chose must not be a foreigner, must not have large numbers of horses, particularly those from Egypt, must not have many wives, and must not enrich himself with silver and gold.

Instead, the king must keep a copy of the Book of the Law (Torah) near him, and he is to read from this Book of the Law ALL HIS LIFE.

Deuteronomy 17:15 - 20  GNB  Good News Bible
15Make sure that the man you choose to be king is the one whom the LORD has chosen. He must be one of your own people; do not make a foreigner your king. 16The king is not to have a large number of horses for his army, and he is not to send people to Egypt to buy horses, because the LORD has said that his people are never to return there. 17The king is not to have many wives, because this would make him turn away from the LORD; and he is not to make himself rich with silver and gold.
18When he becomes king, he is to have a copy of the book of God's laws and teachings made from the original copy kept by the levitical priests. 19He is to keep this book near him and read from it all his life, so that he will learn to honour the LORD and to obey faithfully everything that is commanded in it. 20This will keep him from thinking that he is better than his fellow-Israelites and from disobeying the LORD's commands in any way. Then he will reign for many years, and his descendants will rule Israel for many generations.

Brothers and Sisters in Iesus the Anointed One, let us keep the commands of our Lord near to us. Let us read the Scripture every day, all of our lives.