Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Prayer after morning chores are done

Our Father in Heaven,
the God and Father of your Holy Servant,
the Lord Iesou the Anointed One,
Blessed be Your Name, and Blessed are You
for you have provided us all we need,
in sufficiency and in abundance.

Thank you for the enabling me to complete this morning's tasks
of washing the car and the backyard.
Thank you also for the equipment and opportunity
to practise music on stringed instruments.

Help me, I pray,
to understand your Holy Scriptures
as I read them at this morning's devotion.
And grant me wisdom,
from such understanding,
to discern between right and wrong
in all that I do today.

Protect my children,
and my grandchildren,
from harm and illness,
and provide them all that they need in the coming days,

Grant them a broad space
to do their work successfully
and give them favour
in the sight of their employers and their colleagues.

In the Name of our Lord Iesou the Anointed One
we ask of Thee our Heavenly Father.

Amein and Amein.