Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Qualities of a Captain

Tuesday 2020.06.30
Reading Exodus Chapter 18 LXX

Jothor (Jethro) father-in-law of Moses, advised Moses in verses 19 - 24 to appoint a hierarchy of captains of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens, to delegate to them the responsibility of judging smaller or lighter cases of disputes brought by the large number of people everyday. Only matters that are too burdensome for these captains to handle were to be brought to Moses.

These captains must be carefully selected from men who were
- able
- fearing God
- righteous
- hating pride

Compare with the many qualities required of a bishop, described in 1 Timothy 3:1 - 4 KJV
- blameless
- husband of one wife
- vigilant
- sober
- of good behaviour
- given to hospitality
- apt to teach
- not given to wine
- no striker
- not greedy of filthy lucre
- patient
- not a brawler
- not covetous
- ruleth well his own house

(see also similar qualities required of deacons in 1 Timothy 3:8 - 13)

Anyone who is appointed to bear responsibilities of exercising judgment or overseeing the assembly of believers must be carefully examined before being selected.