Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The ten generations of Adam

Reading from the Septuagint.
Genesis 5: 6-27 LXX

These are the ten generations of Adam's descendants, with years starting from the first year of Adam:

G1  Y001 to Y930  Adam (230 + 700 = 930)
G2  Y230 to Y1142 Seth (205 + 707 = 912)
G3  Y435 to Y1340 Enos (190 + 715 = 905)
G4  Y625 to Y1535 Cainan (170 + 740 = 910)
G5  Y795 to Y1690 Maleleel (165 + 730 = 895)
     (Adam died in the year Maleleel was 135 yr old)
G6  Y960 to Y1922 Jared (162 + 800 = 962)
G7  Y1022 to Y1387 Enoch (165 + 200 = 365)
     (Well pleasing to God, was not found, translated)
G8  Y1187 to Y2156 Mathusala (167 + 802 = 969)
     (longest life of all)
G9  Y1354 to Y2107 Lamech (188 + 565 = 753)
G10 Y1542 to Y2492 Noe (500 sons + 100 flood + after flood 350 = 950)

Notes :

(1) Adam lived until his great great grandson Maleleel was 135 years old.

(2) This means that the account of Genesis was most probably carried and preserved by word-of-mouth "story-telling", (like the Red Indians of North America), for five generations in the presence of the first man, Adam the son of God. (Luke 3:38)

(3) Similarly, Seth ben Adam lived until his great great great grandson Enoch was eighty years old. And it would have been easy for the story telling of the Genesis account to continue to be passed on for these next six generations.

(4) Besides seeing the death of Adam, Maleleel, the fifth generation from Adam, also saw the birth of Noe, the tenth generation, in the year 1542 when Maleleel was 747 years old.