Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The likes of delights

Tue 07Apr09    Psalm 111: 1 - 10 NIV

"Great are the works of the LORD, they are pondered by all who delight in them." v.2

One day I visited Changi Airport in Singapore accompanied by my old Singaporean friend. To our delight, we found out that the first Airbus A380, the largest passenger aircraft in the world, had landed. That afternoon it was carrying out some trials, and was expected to take off and land several times throughout the day.

The viewing gallery was busy with expectant visitors like us, eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of the huge double-decker aeroplane. While looking for a spot to get a good view of the aircraft, we met with another friend who came with a visitor from Hong Kong. They were photographers. And they told us that they had come especially to take some pictures of the awesome plane.

Suddenly the A380 appeared in the distance. It appeared to taxi towards one side of our long gallery, making many of us hurry towards the tall windows over there. Our Hong Kong friend ran quickly, with cameras, lenses and accessories dangling around him hoping to shoot a good photo. Alas! the plane moved behind a block of building, hiding itself from view. All of us stood there, somewhat disappointed, waiting for it to appear again.

We spent what felt like the next half an hour hurrying from one end of the large viewing gallery to another whenever the A380 re-appeared, only to see it stop again for some reason at some place, and never taking off at all.  Eventually we got tired of waiting and left, while the Hong Kong man decided to stay on.

We marvel at great feats and accomplishments. Here in our country, we feel proud of making our own motorcar, having the tallest building, reaching the summit of Mt Everest and sending an astronaut into space.

We are delighted in the great works of man.

Reading Psalm 111 today reminds me of taking delight in the great works of God too. In this Psalm, the writer recalled the wonders of God done for His people in the OT. He provided food for them (v.5). He showed them His power (v.6). And he had never forgotten his covenant with them (v.5, 9).

Likewise, let us ponder over what great works God has done among us. His providence, His protection and His power - in times when nothing else could have helped us. Let us always delight in His works in our lives.