Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rejoice and weep

14Apr09   Romans 12: 15, 16 NKJV

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.  v15

This afternoon I had long conversation with a faithful Christian brother. He has an impressive Chinese name which, when translated loosely, literally means "the strong hero". Let me call him Brother H in this post.

Brother H is a humble man. He rarely, if ever, boasts of his abilities or accomplishments. Nor does this strong hero despise others who are weaker than him. Talking to him brings me no anxiety at all, for I don't have to be worried about what he would think about my failures.

So, I was able to share with Brother H some of the burdens in my heart. He was both attentive and understanding in listening to my long-winded complaints about difficulties recently encountered at work and some other frustrations in life.  At the same time, Brother H also shared my joy when I told him how I managed to get in touch with several dear long-lost brothers and sisters with whom I fellowshipped in the Lord almost thirty years ago.

As much as he was willing to listen, Brother H was also willing to share his burdens with me.  Recently, he has been facing some nagging difficulties with a family member at home and he was feeling exasperated over this person's reluctance to listen to his reasoning.  He also felt annoyed at times when church members behave rather selfishly, not showing the kind of Christian love for God that he wished they would. I could offer him no comfort save to listen with some empathy.

"Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble . . ." v 16

All in all, this afternoon's was a pleasant and fulfilling time of humble Christian fellowship. Brother H and I could rejoice with each other's joys and weep with each other's sorrows. There was no proud talking at all.  For me, it was a long refreshing conversation with a humble brother who does not set his mind on "high things".

In his own way, Brother H has indeed become a strong hero for God.