Sunday, September 29, 2013

The reward of the innocent man

Psalm 18:20 - 24
YHWH rewards me because I do what is right.
 - - - He blesses me because  I am innocent.
I have obeyed the Torah of YHWH
 - - - I have not turned away from my God.
I have observed all His Torah,
 - - - I have not disobeyed His commands.
He knows that I am faultless,
 - - - that I have kept myself from doing wrong.
And so he rewards me because I do what is right,
 - - - because he know that I am innocent.

The Psalmist begins this part of the psalm recognising that YHWH blesses him because he is innocent. He ends the portion with the same thought, that YHWH rewards him because he is innocent.

What are the characteristics of this innocent man?

He obeys the commands of YHWH and does not turn away from his God. In this way, he has kept himself from doing wrong and has thereby remained faultless.

Likewise, today YHWH our Father in Heaven has chosen us to be such innocent and faultless people. In the epistle to the Ephesians, we are reminded that our Father has chosen us even before the foundation of the world to be a people who are holy and blameless in love before him (Ephesians 1:4). Towards the end of the same epistle, we read that Yeshua our Messiah wants to present the assembly (ekklesia) to himself with spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish.

Brothers and sisters in the Messiah, let us strive to be holy and blameless. Like the psalmist, let us keep ourselves from wrongdoing and remain faultless in our walk.

Let us be like this innocent man.