Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are you with God?

Wednesday, 09 Sep 2009. 2 Chronicles 15: 1 - 3 NIV

The LORD is with you when you are with him. v.2

I've often heard of people wishing one another, especially in Church and also during farewells, "May God be with you". During my undergraduate days in the university, we would sing "God be with you till we meet again . . ." .

Some years, later I read somewhere that the expression "Good-bye" had evolved from a contraction of "God be with all ye " in old English. So, each time we say good-bye to somebody, we are actually wishing God's presence to be with that person.

Little did I know that there is a verse buried deep within the OT that tells us another side to this common benediction: that we should be with God!

When Azariah son of Obed was sent to prophesy to King Asa and to all Judah and Benjamin, his message was not merely "God be with you." Instead, he added, " when you are with Him".

If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. v2

This is a lesson for me: I shall learn to be with God the whole of today.