Psalm 18:41
They cry for help,
- - - but no one saves them;
They call to YHWH
- - - but He does not answer"
In this verse, David was describing the fate of his enemies, against whom David had been "armed with strength for battle" by YHWH and over whom David triumphed. (see 18:39-42 GNT), below:
39 You give me strength for the battleThe verse left me wondering who those enemies were. What kind of enemy did David have back then who would call on the Name of YHWH?
and victory over my enemies.
40 You make my enemies run from me;
I destroy those who hate me.
41 They cry for help, but no one saves them;
they call to YHWH, but he does not answer.
42 I crush them, so that they become like dust
which the wind blows away.
I trample on them like mud in the streets.
I am still trying to ascertain this.