Friday, June 8, 2012

The Power of the Father's Name

Dear Christian brothers and sisters, How often do we remember the Name of our God?

In Matthew 6:9, the Master Yeshua told his disciples that they should pray to God like this,
"Our Father in heaven! May your Name be kept holy. . . "

In John 5:43, the Master told the Judeans who opposed him,
" I have come in my Father’s Name, and you don’t accept me; if someone else comes in his own name, him you will accept."

And in John 17:6, our Master said in his prayer to the Only True God, "I made Your Name known to the people you gave me out of the world."

Again in John 17:11, the Master Yeshua prayed for his disciples, "Now I am no longer in the world. They are in the world, but I am coming to you. Holy Father, guard them by the power of Your Name,"

Likewise in John 17:12, he prayed, " When I was with them, I guarded them by the power of Your Name, which you have given to me; "

Finally in John 17:26, our Master Yeshua reiterated, "I made Your Name known to them, and I will continue to make it known; so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I myself may be united with them".

May God our Father in Heaven guard us by the power of His Name, the Name of Adonai YHWH. Let us remember His Holy Name always.